Our Staff


Mrs Laura Summerfield 

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Claire Worth 

School Office

Mrs Amy Unwin is our School Business Manager

Mrs Clare Peak is our HR Administrator
Mrs Linda Wickham is our Office and Finance Administrator

They can answer many of your questions about the day to day running of our school.

Lunch time

Mrs Dunn if our Kitchen Manager. If you would like to know about our school meals, please click here to see our menu. Each class has their own midday supervisor and they work under the direction of Mrs Haq.

Our inclusion team – Led by Mrs Oliver

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo), Mrs Oliver, leads a team to support social skills, children’s speech and physical development as well as reading and mathematics.

We are dedicated to supporting children who may be experiencing social, emotional or behavioural difficulties at any point during their time with us here at Eastfield. Should you feel your child would benefit from additional support in any of these areas please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance.

We are extremely fortunate to have the skills of Mrs Dear within our Teaching Assistant team here at Eastfield, who is also a trained Speech and Language. We are therefore able to offer some school level support for children in this area should it be identified as necessary.

The Foundation Stage team – Led by Miss Cort

Fox Class: Ms Patching runs our Nursery and are supported by Miss Krolow and Mrs Willis who are Nursery qualified staff.
Additional Teaching Assistants: Mrs Clifton, Mrs Hunt & Mrs Bryant.

Reception Classes
Rabbit Class: Miss Cort
Squirrel Class: Miss Turner
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Clifton, Mrs Goodman, Mrs Malik, Mrs Dear, Mrs Hussain, Mrs Lukacsi, Mrs Williams, Mrs Johnston, Mrs Parsons & Mrs Seib.

The Key Stage 1 team – Led by Mrs Worth

Year One
Owl Class: Mrs Hill

Hedgehog Class: Miss Webb

Teaching Assistants: Mrs O’Sullivan, Mrs Hill, Mrs Parsons, Mrs Edgely, Mrs Williams, Mrs Malik, Mrs Dear, Mrs Johnston and Mrs Goodman

Year Two

Raccoon Class: Mrs Dale & Mrs Worth

Otter Class: Miss Course

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Marshall, Mrs Lukacsi, Mrs Hill, Mrs Goodman, Mrs Johnston & Mrs Edgely