Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Funding 

Pupil Premium funds are directed to raise the attainment of pupils who may be disadvantaged because of lower family income; being a looked after child (LAC) who is in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, the local authority or Children who have ceased to be looked after by the local authority because of adoption, a special guardianship order, or child arrangements order adopted from care. Additional funding is also directed towards children whose families serve the Ministry of Defence.

Allocations are funded at a rate of £1,385 per pupil entitled to free school meals.  If your child is to receive funding you will need to make an application online or over the phone. Even if you are on a lower income and if your child is automatically receiving free school meals because they are in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, the school will not receive Pupil Premium until an application has been made. 

For more information on funding or an application form please follow the links below. 

Cambridgeshire County Council Pupil Premium Information

Pupil Premium Application Form

At Eastfield Infant and Nursery School we use the pupil premium funding to raise the attainment of children and to provide the help they may need to grasp the basics of reading, writing and mathematics right from the start of their education so they don’t have to catch up later.

We identify any gaps in learning and use the funding to provide an intervention programme for a limited time. We use those interventions where the effectiveness is properly researched and tested. We use the funding to train staff to be able to deliver each intervention faithfully to its intention. Sometimes funding is used for an adult to give additional practice in a specific area of learning for instance improving handwriting. 

We also use funding to ensure that pupil premium children have opportunities to access the wider curriculum, such as access to school trips and attendance of school clubs and music lessons.

Our policy document for pupil premium guides our practice. 

Link to Pupil Premium Funding Principles