Vision and Values

Eastfield children and adults will develop a life-long love of learning, within a safe, inclusive and stimulating environment.We will adapt to changing circumstances to provide and support both communal and individual learning, within the local community and the school.Through high expectations and encouragement we will enable fulfilment and success.

Eastfield Commitments
At Eastfield we will:

  • Provide a safe environment for pupils in which adults are supportive and vigilant in all aspects of safe guarding.
  • Ensure well-being threads strongly through our curriculum and experiences to support positive mental health within our school community.
  • Establish strong relationships between and within home, school and the community.
  • Provide a child centred approach to learning through a rich topic based curriculum which excites children.
  • Enable children to make links in their learning and support them to develop important skills to become life-long learners.
  • Have high expectations of behaviour from all within our community through clear and consistent systems and communication.
  • Ensure that our practise is of a consistently high standard that reflects changing circumstances through continued professional development and ongoing reflection.

Laura Summerfield

Head Teacher